Spark Amp Lovers Challenge

Note: This article has been updated with lastest available information on December 30th, 2020 at 10:29 am

2020 has been hard for all of us. It is time to have a bit of fun for this holiday season…

I’d like to introduce you to the #SparkAmpLoversChallenge*!!!

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The idea is simple :

1. Craft a nifty tone on your Spark
2. Explain why and how you built that tone in a short video
3. Record yourself improvising over the backing track listed below
4. Send me the 2 videos you’ve recorded

The selected backing track is from Paul Davids and can be found here :

Or you can access it in the Spark app with a search on “Guitar backing track E minor rock ballad”.It is a rock ballad backing track in E minor (or G major). You can use E minor (aeolian) or E minor pentatonic or G major (ionian) or G major pentatonic scales

Deadline for submission : 31st January 2020 8pm CET
Upload your videos to WeTransfer and send your link to admin@sparkamplovers(dot)com

Videos must not exceed 1 min each (1min for the presentation of your tone, 1 min of you playing)

There is nothing to gain here… just fun and maybe fame !If you have some questions, please reach out to me

* The SparkAmpLovers Challenge is inspired by the Paul Davids ImprovChallenge

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