Video initially posted on YouTube by Heino Fauch on the 2020-02-16
I ordered the amp last year as an “early bird” and got it a few days ago. After playing a couple of hours with this new amp I decided to record some of the sounds and show the features of this “all in a box” amp.
Approx. 45min long, I have never made such a long video
So you need some stamina to watch, a cold drink or you just jump to the section you want to see.
00:44 Backing tracks
09:01 Youtube chord detection
11:15 speed 50% and 80%
13:06 Metronom
14:20 Dave drummer
16:15 Amps: Electric guitar
19:50 Amps: Acoustic guitar
21:35 Amps: Bass guitar
24:00 Reverbs
28:31 Delays
31:26 Modulation
35:20 Drive
38:35 Compressor
42:20 Gate
I recorded the amp with a Neuman TLM103 condenser mic placed in front of one the speaker. No post processing. What you hear is how it sounds.
I guess the firmware of the amp or SPARK app needs to be improved. I got during the last days a few crashes of the amp and the app. Sometimes when selecting a preset from the tonecloud and sometimes just all of a sudden. Problem was afterwards to get the amp connected to the IPAD via Bluetooth. The SPARK app could not connect the amp. It was visible in the bluetooth settings of the IPAD but connection failed. Turn on/off several times the amp and app solved it finally but this needs to be fixed.
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