Xsonic Audio is looking for Airstep owners with also using a Spark to test their new 1.8 firmware Beta! Here are their instructions/requirements below (please note that they won’t send you an Airstep to test the firmware nor a Spark – just the firmware 😉 ):
“The V1.8 Firmware upgrade is especially for Spark users. If you are a Spark user and want to control it with AIRSTEP, Please let us know!!! The V1.8 Firmware BETA will be released to those who want to test it!Messenger us or email([email protected]) us! We will send you the Firmware and tutorials within 24 hours.Be the first to enjoy this feature, there is only one requirement that is to share details of controlling Spark with AIRSTEP or anything about Spark on your social media”
More information on the firmware beta test on Xsonic Facebook Group
More information on the Airstep
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