Spark Control X, the latest innovation from Positive Grid, promises to redefine the way musicians interact with their Spark series guitar amps. This wireless foot controller is designed to seamlessly integrate with Spark LIVE, Spark, Spark MINI, and Spark GO amps, providing users with an advanced and customizable experience. Let’s […]
Born to Play
Adrenaline included! Prepare for launch. January 23, 2024 Tune into the live YouTube Premiere on 1.23.24 at 9 AM EST [US]
Expected shipping time for the Spark CAB
Positive Grid announced on its website that due to global logistics challenges, the delivery date of Spark CAB might differ across regions. Positive Grid is closely closely monitoring the situation and will continue to give update with the latest shipping details. Positive Grid also mentions they are not responsiblefor delayed […]
Looper Mode arrives on the AIRSTEP Spk Edition
Here is a move nobody was expecting: the arrival of a looper mode on the SPK Edition of the AIRSTEP foot controller for the Spark. Up until now, you had to purchase the Lite edition of the footswitch to enjoy the looper functionnality. With recent decision from Positive Grid to […]